About Us

The Haifa University Press was established at the beginning of the 1980s and in the course of its first decade published 43 titles and four periodicals. In 1996 it launched a partnership with Zmora-Bitan Publishers, and has since established partnerships with several prominent Israeli publishing houses, yielding some 60 additional titles.

Books published by the Haifa University Press are quality publications in the Hebrew language, combining academic excellence and stylistic finesse in a variety of fields – specialized or multi-disciplinary – that are of significant interest to the educated public. In recent years the Haifa University Press has initiated the translation into Hebrew of works that are considered classics in their field. It has also established certain academic series in different areas of study, and holds the annual competition for the Ya'acov Bahat Prize for Outstanding Academic Books. All this channels some of the finest academic publications in Israel and the world through this press.


Proffesor Ron Robin / Professor Gur Alroey, Head
Proffesor Daphna Erdinast-Vulkan, Chief Editor
Ms. Sharon hanuka-ben shimol, Director
Ms. Shoshi Leber, Secretary

Contact us

Haifa University Press
Address: 199 Abba Khoushy Ave. Mount  Carmel, Haifa 3498838, Israel
Phone: 972-4-8240781
  mail: sleber@univ.haifa.ac.il haifaup@univ.haifa.ac.il